And this will be called the Katharine Hepburn Leading Actress Award! For those lovable leads. (Naturally "Katharine Hepburn" is standing in for the regular "Best.")
The nominees are...
Zooey Deschanel, (500) Days of Summer
For simultaneously being the girl we loved, and wanted to kill ourselves over.
Carey Mulligan, An Education
For irritating and charming us as a woman of the world and a confused school girl.
Gabourey Sidibe, Precious
For giving a voice to someone so often forgotten.
Meryl Streep, Julie & Julia
For being a delight on the big screen in a big way.
Renee Zellweger, My One and Only
For flirting not just with tons of men, but the audience.
The winners will be in a separate post later on! Comments? Please, do share!
(And there aren't any pics. this time guys, sorry! It's kind of complicated to get them in the post, does nobody else have this problem? Hm...)
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